Thursday, December 31, 2009

Day 183/182

So I am still having computer issues as well as car issues so my means of escape are quickly disappearing. Over the last couple of days I have been applying for jobs in the area and I am finding it difficult because my parents feel I should be looking for permanent work instead of trying to find something to make quick cash so i can move back to Buffalo. I thought this might be an issue but I didn't think it would come up as soon as it has. My sister has settled for living at home and my parents don't really understand why it is not appealing to me to live with them. While not paying rent is something I could get used to having to use the pick up line "Hey baby lets go back to my place. Just make sure not to be too loud my sister and the foster children live in the room next to mine." is not something I want to be using a couple years from now.

Something else that has come up in the last couple days is that I am being asked for I.D. everywhere I go now. Yesterday I was asked by two separate people at the job counseling center whether I was over the age of 18. When I told them I was 23 they apologized and said I looked really young. I also got asked for I.D. at the liquor store and when the women saw how old I was she told me that I looked like I was 17 years old. She still sold me alcohol which may say something about how well she does her job but I digress. If anyone has any suggestions as to how to make myself look older without growing a obscene beard or chain smoking I would appreciate it. (And no Luke I am not eating fetuses to make myself look younger)


  1. If you're not eating fetuses to make you look younger, maybe you could eat corpses to make you look older.

  2. Boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew

  3. Do you still have the goatee? That always worked for me. Shaving my head also made me gain about 5 years.
