Saturday, January 9, 2010

Day 173

The last couple of days have been pretty uneventful for me. I have been waiting for any word about the job at the theater. While I am waiting I have been debating about starting up the North Country Film Society one more time. After talking to Steve last night it sounds like we are going to have one more festival and then we will call it quits. We are hoping someone else will offer to take over the festival after this year but I'm not holding my hand on my ass. I will let everyone know the date we pick out as soon as we figure it out but it looks like the first week in May.

I start my workout regiment on Sunday and I am really excited. It is kind of embarrassing since I haven't worked out in forever and I have to start at the beginning as far as weights go but once I am in shape I think it will be worth it.

For my amusing anecdote for this post I think I almost have my sister convinced I have become a conspiracy theorist. She asked if I got my H1N1 shot and I told her that I didn't believe in H1N1. I then started telling her that the shots were actually small nanobots that were slowly taking over peoples brains. She just walked away but I feel this is how most people deal with real conspiracy theorists except Jessy The Body of course.

1 comment:

  1. For what it's worth, I'll miss the festival, and I know I'm not alone. However, I know it was a royal pain in the ass, so I understand not wanting to put yourself through the ringer for Mr. Fritters et al.
